Monday, March 9, 2009

Carbo fired!?!

Well, I definitely didn't see this coming, but not for the usual reasons. Because all things being equal, Guy Carbonneau has made a lot of sketchy decisions of late and seemed to be losing the respect of his players.

Constant line changes, often times in the middle of a game, and a clear lack of communication between the coach's office and the dressing room was beginning to show up more and more on the ice.

But really, this decision to move behind the bench himself is an admission on the part of Bob gainey that he made a mistake in hiring Carbonneau in the first place, especially when you look at what Claude Julien is doing in Boston these days.

In the short-term, this is probably the best thing that could have happened to this team, and I wouldn't be surprised if it triggered a big late season surge from the Canadiens, especially considering the schedule they have in front of them this month.

But in the long-term, what does this mean for Gainey? The team's performance this season and especially in the playoffs is now uniquely linked to him, and no one else, so if expectations are not met does that put his job on the line as well?

I'm not sure, but this is a bold move, one that must have cost Gainey at least a couple of nights' sleep considering the relationship between the two men. The difficulty of making the move may be proof that Gainey has a handle on the team's situation, but does the organization trust him to hire the next coach?

Not sure on that one.

More later once I've digested this bombshell.


Anonymous said...

wow after the win in dallas i thought he was safe. can't wait to see how the team responds.

Anonymous said...

"Constant line changes, often times in the middle of a game, and a clear lack of communication between the coach's office and the dressing room was beginning to show up more and more on the ice."

Sounds exactly like the situation in Edmonton but I doubt the problem will be corrected there as long as the old boys club is in charge.

Sliver24 said...

You mention the cushy schedule over the next ten games. Maybe it's no coincidence that Gainey waited until the end of the road trip to fire Guy. With the Habs home record this season he certainly seems to have set it up to be as good for him optically as possible.

In any case, I was blown away by the news. I heard it on Melnyck at about 5:00 and and first I thought I'd heard him wrong.